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000683_owner-lightwave-l _Wed Aug 31 11:51:06 1994.msg
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Received: by netcom7.netcom.com ( id LAA09967; Wed, 31 Aug 1994 11:26:40 -0700
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Date: Wed, 31 Aug 1994 11:26:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Gross <jgross@netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Metaform problem
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
> >From the day I got the 3.5 upgrade of LW (Which was the first day it hit
> the dealer's store) I have been trying to use Metaform and never saw what
> everybody was so amazed at. I made a box, tripled the polys, metaformed
> it and I still had the same shape box with many polys. I Metaformed it
> again and had even more polys, but it didn't look rounded at all, just
> the same shaped box. Yesterday a friend demoed it for me on his machine
> and I was amazed at how different it looked, all rounded and smooth. I
> started to play around with it again and still I got the same box. I had
> a thought that maybe something was preventing it from working correctly.
> I moved file by file from the directories until I discovered that it was
> the Mod-Config file that was screwing up the Metaforming. With the
> Mod-Config file out, Metaform works great, but I would like to have a
> config file that works. If anyone knows what I should change in the
> Config file to make it work, please let me know. Thanks.
Chances are you are defaulting to using two sided polygons. This gets
written to the config file if you select it in the Options (object menu).
getting rid of your config file causes Modeler to use single sided polys.
Also, there is no need to triple quadrangles before Metaforming.
p.s. Mind if I use this question in a column some time?